Finches BV is owned by the family Vinken-Bovens and located at Stoeterij De Katershoeve in Loenhout. Its goal is to breed and train warmblood show jumpers up to the age of 5 to 6 years old. 

Dries Vinken

Dries Vinken climbed on the back of a horse at the age of ten due to medical reasons. A bit hesitant the first time around but the next week he knew: he was going to spend his life amongst horses. He went to Ecole Provinciale d'Elevage et d'Equitation in Gesves and finished a 7th year Hors Keeping at Syntra while having an internship at JV Horses in Wuustwezel.

Since then he is a trusted member of the JV Horses family and works his way up with his own horses.

His high sensitivity, a drawback being a child, is now his biggest advantage at training young horses.




"Mum" is Peggy Bovens. She guided Dries through his childhood studying along with him. First in Gesves, translating hippology from French to Dutch. Later Horse Breeding at Syntra.

Housekeeping of the stables and taking care of nutrition, alongside teaching horses and foals stable manners, is what makes her happy.


"Dad" is Geert Vinken. Although dragged along with Dries and Peggy, he enjoys driving horses around the country. 

Keeping an eye on the money and good investments, is what makes him indispensable for the family business.